Sonic Cathedral

Heya friends,
Hope you are all well. We’ve been alright ourselves, played a few shows lately which were pretty damn fun, one being at the Annandale with Step Panther and The Ghosts, the other being at this indie/shoegaze night called Sonic Cathedral. Bad news - Drew’s car was stolen a few weeks ago, with his cymbals inside, but he is pretty excited to get new cymbals. Actually, I think he was going to get them yesterday. He was so excited about it that he told us every 20 minutes, so I was then excited, then annoyed, then excited, then annoyed. This continued…
Also, Drew moved house, back to the mountains. I am jealous. James also moved. Maybe I should move too. I don’t know where to though.
I just watched the Battlestar Galactica miniseries, it was awesome, I just want to keep watching it.
This is probably the coolest blog post ever.
love dean x