world bar
Secret Surprise
Apparently there is a secret band playing at World Bar tomorrow night who are very good friends with us, it’s such a secret that we don’t even know who is playing!!!! We’ll be on at around midnight, see you then!
world bar
Apparently there is a secret band playing at World Bar tomorrow night who are very good friends with us, it’s such a secret that we don’t even know who is playing!!!! We’ll be on at around midnight, see you then!
world bar
This is a little video I put together when I was meant to be studying tonight. It’s kind of about a show we have coming up, which is next Friday the 23rd. We’re playing the MUM night at World Bar in Kings Cross. We like playing there. They
melt bar
Hey friends, last reminder about our show at Melt Bar tonight with The Shake Up - there is free pizza! Nom nom nom
surfer blood
Finally having a listen to Surfer Blood. My girlfriend tells me that if I like Happy Birthday and The Drums that I’ll like them. Sounding pretty good 30 seconds in… D
nagoya in snow
kings cross
Updated poster for Melt Bar show - now there is free pizza! Mmm yum
gaelic club
High quality video of us playing Heido at the Gaelic Club in May
melt bar
We’ve been aksed to play a show next Friday the 9th at Melt Bar, to raise money for an upcoming production at Australian Theatre for Young People called ‘Alaska’. I haven’t been there before but it looks like a nice place by the photos. Also playing will be
Helloooo Baby Xers! Just a little update on what we’ve been up to as of late. Coming up in July we’ll be playing a show at World Bar for the MUM night. That’s on the 23rd, we’re pretty excited because it will be the 7th time
home bar
Hey boyz and girlz. Hope all is well. I am here to plug the fact that we are playing World Bar on my birthday the 23rd of July. And we now have a pictures section on the blog. Pretty rad. Check It! Peace! James.